A little impossible construction that I made possible!
Another roughout I recieved for Xmas.
Got a kit for an outhouse for xmas one year. I decided I would add in some critters and stuff to make it a little more interesting.
Loved a drawing by M. C. Escher. Tried carving it. This is one of the first carvings I ever did. Added a thick coat of clear coating. I originally planned on mounting this to a 1964 Harley Trike I owned at the time.
Took a two day class at Floyd Rhadigans to make this from one of his roughouts.
Made from a left over chunk of basswood.
Made from a Floyd Rhadigan roughout.
Made from a roughout given to me for xmas.
Shortly after Xmas, I had all these done together at our house. Busy busy.
I thought I could do a covered bridge for our mailbox. I like how it turned out, but no place for a flag that mail is here. Oh well!
Sorry for the cluttered background, but this was last chance to get a pic of them.
I made this mask to be raffled off in our 2018 Woodcarving Show. It ended up my sister in law won it. She gave my wife money for tickets when my wife saw her a month earlier. Congrats Cheryl!
I promised I would carve a Tap Handle for Mike at some time. This seemed to fit the Bill!
Made this for a Friendship Cane that was a raffle prize at one of our shows. All the different carvings by different people from our club are stacked up on a post that runs thru the center. See the hole up there?
Brookside Golf Course asked me to make a plaque dedicated to golfers who golfed there that had passed on. It's supposed to be that transition from sand trap to clouds.
Lamps made by members of Saline Wood Carvers for the Raffle Prizes at the 2016 Show. I helped on the second from the left Lamp. Ours was called holidays.
A Guy I work with was retiring so I made him a small copy of what he has in his yard.
Didn't see a Fairy House in this piece of wood , so a wood spirit was made.
Alan and Robs New Company Logo
Carved the hard way out of a log of Basswood.
These were made as a give away at my first Saline Carvers Show in 2011 Never took a picture of the other two.
Decided to try Don Quixote out of a Basswood log. Not easy to do.
Never forget this one. My Dad passed away the night I was finishing it. Didn't even want to finish it, but did. My Dad was a Great Man!
Fellow Employee needed something with a mushroom in it to give to his Mother. So I made him one.
Alan wanted something carved quick to show for his new idea of a game. For a quick one, I thought he turned out OK.
From a small rough out I had given to me at Xmas party
More Dawgs from rough outs I got for Xmas