Likeness Caricatures
My sister wanted a carving of my Grandpa on my moms side. Because he was a caricature, I had to make a caricature of him. So here is Red!
Took a two day class to carve and paint this caricature with Floyd Rhadigan. He turned out pretty good. A present for my Aunt Dianne.
This is a commissioned piece I did. 2nd one for the same customer.
My older sister is an actual card carrying member of the Stooges Fan Club. Known as Knuckleheads. Made these for her.
A guy I work with wanted his own version of the "Oops Guy". So I made him one of him. He is also a black powder shooter.
John's Good Friend Gary
My nieces son scored a goal for the Springfeild Spirit and scooped the ice afterward. Thought it would make a great caricature so I did!
I actually got Commissioned to do this one!
My Cousin wanted a carving badly for his cabin up north. So I surprised him one Saturday Nite with this. Got to Jam with him that nite too!